Advance Planning

Advance Planning

Taking the initiative to arrange your funeral in advance alleviates a significant worry for your loved ones once you've passed. We're dedicated to assisting you through every step of the process.

While individuals dedicate months to planning events such as weddings and vacations, few consider the inevitability of their own funeral. Though contemplating one's mortality may be uncomfortable, the optimal time to pre-plan your funeral is now. The foremost benefit of advanced funeral planning is easing the emotional burden on your loved ones during a challenging time. It also ensures that your funeral aligns with your preferences, sparing your family the uncertainty of guessing your wishes. Engaging in advanced planning and pre-payment for your funeral stands as one of the most considerate gestures you can make for your family.

Pre-Payment Options

Purchasing your funeral in advance alleviates stress and financial strain on your loved ones following your passing. We offer customizable payment options to suit your preferences, whether it's a lump sum payment or monthly withdrawals from your bank account. By pre-arranging your funeral expenses, you alleviate the financial burden on your family. Additionally, pre-payment shields you and your family from inflation, and the accrued amount remains tax-free. In certain regions, if the actual funeral costs are lower than the prepaid amount, the surplus funds are reimbursed to your designated beneficiaries. To learn more about the specific regulations in your area, simply consult with your funeral director. Every year, numerous individuals opt to plan and pre-pay for their funerals, ensuring flexibility to accommodate life's inevitable changes.

What you can do in advance…

  • Decide on Burial or Cremation and your casket.
  • Write an obituary or jot down some information that could be included in an obituary.
  • Designate your pallbearers, pick any music or readings you want at your service.
  • Choose a cemetery and purchase a lot.
  • Purchase a cemetery memorial.
  • Share a copy of your wishes with our funeral home to keep on file.

Benefits of Pre-Planning

During the initial 24-48 hours following a death, approximately 70 to 75 decisions must be made. Coping with such a multitude of choices in the immediate aftermath of loss can be challenging. Engaging in advanced planning provides peace of mind for yourself, your family, and your friends, allowing for more thoughtful and rational decision-making during a difficult time.

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